God’s Way To Heaven
If you were to die right now, do you know where you would spend eternity? Introduction Living in a world with so many different religions, and so many religions claiming to have the truth, claiming to be the way to God, how can we possibly know for sure who has the truth? In […]
Use of “Yahweh” in Bible Translations
The name “Yahweh” is a commonly accepted spelling and pronunciation of God’s personal name among scholars. It’s the covenant name of the God of Israel. As for the meaning of this name, I’ll quote Got Questions?: “The name Yahweh comes from the Hebrew word for “I am.” When God met Moses at the burning bush and commanded him to go back […]
We Don’t Get To Decide Who God Is
Note: This is an extensive excerpt from my study titled “The Trinity of God and Salvation.” What follows is the heart of that discussion. The passages of Scripture studied and talked about here are perhaps the most revealing of the many supportive passages examined in that study. Reproduced with only minor editing: WE […]
Peter Settles It! No Millennial Kingdom of This World
Introduction Acts 3:21 is our key verse. The whole context is Acts 3:18-25, as well as Acts 2:29-36. Both passages are spoken by Peter. He preached the first part on the day of Pentecost. The second part he preached on another occasion (healing of the lame man at the temple), but both are part […]
How We Know God’s Plan for Israel is Already Finished
Introduction Does God still have a plan for the nation of Israel? Many Christians believe so, because that is the way they’ve been taught. They believe that the people of Israel are still the chosen people of God. But what about the Church? What’s the connection between Israel and the Church? Are there two peoples […]
Are Church Vows Biblical?
Introduction My wife and I had an experience that stirred and energized my thinking about church membership vows, which we took at a particular church. It awakened some new insights regarding the implications of vows in general, but especially as it relates to church membership and church leadership. I now believe that they are […]
Does Premillennialism Really Make Sense?
Have you ever wondered why, in the Old Testament there is so much direct judgment from God upon people and nations? We see God’s judgment many times. That’s because the world at that time was not in the age of grace under the New Covenant of Christ like it is now. The judgments of the […]
Christ Is True Israel
All Scripture quotations are from the American Standard Version unless otherwise noted. Israel Is True Israel? Many of the Old Testament prophecies are about the nation of Israel. But what must be understood is that there is no minimum number of people required to make up that nation. Indeed, it began with just […]
One Plan for One People
All Scripture quotations are from the 1901 American Standard Version unless otherwise note. Text For Discussion (Ephesians 3:1-21) – 1 For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus in behalf of you Gentiles,— 2 if so be that ye have heard of the dispensation of that grace of God which was given me to you-ward; 3 how […]
Systems of Theology – (My Position)
Introduction There are three primary systems of theology by which Christians understand and explain the Scriptures, especially in regard to how the Old and New Testaments relate to each other. It’s a science or a means by which we interpret the Bible (hermeneutic) and put it all together where the pieces are in harmony as […]