Why Regeneration Must Precede Faith

  Arminian theology teaches that faith precedes regeneration, that regeneration is the result of placing faith in Christ. Calvinist theology teaches that regeneration must precede faith, that one must be regenerated first in order to believe. Which is it? I believe the Apostle Paul reveals the answer in the following brief study. Romans 8:4-9 (Ro 8:4) – 4 So that the […]

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The “Giving” and “Drawing” of Christ’s Sheep – [John 6:37,44-45]

  All Scripture quotations are from the World English Bible (WEB).   Introduction John chapters 6 and 10 are key chapters in understanding the doctrine of election. Is election conditional or unconditional? Is it corporate or individual? Or is it both? Did Christ die for certain elect individuals, or did He die for every individual […]

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Who Are Christ’s Sheep? — [ Commentary on John 10]

All Scripture quotations are from the World English Bible (WEB).   Introduction A key chapter in determining who Christ died for, and why one person believes in Christ and why another doesn’t, is John chapter 10, about Christ’s sheep. This is a chapter that many Christians use to argue for unconditional election and limited atonement (that Christ died only for the elect—the elect […]

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Christ Died For His Church – [His Elect Bride]

All Scripture quotations are from the 1901 American Standard Version (slightly updated) unless otherwise noted.   Introduction For whom did Jesus actually die? Was it every person who enters the world? Or was it for a specific people? The extent of Christ’s atonement is much debated among Christians. Jesus either died for everyone, or He […]

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Use of “Yahweh” in Bible Translations

The name “Yahweh” is a commonly accepted spelling and pronunciation of God’s personal name among scholars. It’s the covenant name of the God of Israel. As for the meaning of this name, I’ll quote Got Questions?:   “The name Yahweh comes from the Hebrew word for “I am.” When God met Moses at the burning bush and commanded him to go back […]

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We Don’t Get To Decide Who God Is

  Note:  This is an extensive excerpt from my study titled “The Trinity of God and Salvation.” What follows is the heart of that discussion. The passages of Scripture studied and talked about here are perhaps the most revealing of the many supportive passages examined in that study.   Reproduced with only minor editing:   WE […]

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How We Know God’s Plan for Israel is Already Finished

  Introduction Does God still have a plan for the nation of Israel?   Many Christians believe so, because that is the way they’ve been taught. They believe that the people of Israel are still the chosen people of God. But what about the Church? What’s the connection between Israel and the Church? Are there two peoples […]

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